Administering Baptism and the Lord’s Supper

In the Sacrament of Baptism, anyone can baptize, using water and the Word? Can anyone also administer the Sacrament of Holy Communion, or where is it found that only certain trained persons (i.e., pastors, church councilmen) can administer this Sacrament? I am asking because my church has chosen to abstain from administering Holy Communion at this time.

With a concern for orderliness (1 Corinthians 14:40), congregations call pastors to administer the sacraments, among many other responsibilities and privileges. You are correct in noting that, in times of emergency, any Christian can baptize. That would especially be true with the case of a child or infant.

There really are not parallel emergency situations with the distribution of the Lord’s Supper. Certainly, Christians may desire the Lord’s Supper in times of sickness and when earthly life is coming to an end, but if that is not possible, the word of God alone brings the same blessings as the Lord’s Supper. We speak of the gospel in word and sacrament. Recognizing the power of God’s word, there is no need to deviate from our regular practice of having our pastors administer the sacrament.

I would direct your attention to a recent question and answer concerning the church’s administration of the Lord’s Supper and a recent Together newsletter that addressed congregational worship life in these unsettled days.